Because From My View, It Seems Arbitrary
Do you have a line?
A line for which you draw
to help you sort the animals
from tiger to macaw
Who will you snuggle in your bed?
Who will you flatten in a trap?
Who will sit upon your plate?
Who will sit upon your lap?
Which ones do you cherish?
Which ones get a knife?
Which ones do you leave alone
to just be wildlife?
Which ones deserve protection?
Which ones deserve love?
Which ones simply get a blade
to remove their precious blood?
Which ones do you cage
and make jump
through fiery hoops?
Which ones do you
cram inside
tiny metal coops?
Is the answer in their voices
of what you will allow?
Do you eat the ones who moo
but never ones who meow?
Is the answer neatly packaged
inside the grocery store?
Is this where you will make the choice
between horse and wild boar?
When seated in a restaurant
to have a bite to eat,
is coyote on the menu
in which to sink your teeth?
Is the answer in the drive-thru,
super-sized with fries?
Is this where you will make the choice
which one lives and which one dies?
How did you decide
this line of life and death,
choosing when another
should take their final breath?
Was it carefully determined?
Were your options fully weighed?
Or did you only follow
the way others first behaved?
Take the time to ask yourself
where your line will be
and whether you want to fill your plate
with death and misery
If God - in his infinite wisdom
(or hers, or its, or their) -
gave you chickens to munch on,
weren’t you also given pears?
Written July 27, 2018