When So Many Wanted You to Stay Home

(For Ruby Bridges)

Armed with only your books

and your unbelievably strong 


You walked

The street was lined

with the angriest white faces

you had yet to see,

shouting things more vile 

than you could imagine

Still you walked

Hatred, fear, and ignorance 

stood side by side,

arm in arm,

to block your path

But you walked

Bombarded with slurs  

and threats of death

Yet you walked

A black baby doll

was placed in a coffin,

an unmistakable sign

of the danger ahead

And you walked

With more courage

than I can imagine,

facing depths 

of discrimination

I can’t even begin 

to comprehend

On you walked

Without a whimper,

without a tear,

when you were only six

You walked


Written April 14, 2019


A Message from the Deer


Failed Poetry