Orwell Seems Less Like Fiction Every Passing Day

The swamp is swampier,

the debt is, um, debtier,

and Mexico hasn’t paid 

a fucking dime

towards a non-existent wall

Sexism is in, 

reproductive freedom is out

because they care deeply 

about your children

until they are born

Then caging them is fine,

but providing healthcare

and clean water is not

worth the cost

If they are too poor for bread,

then let them eat cake
(unless they are gay)

Christians have lost Christ

but are still certain they hate 

Muslims and Mexicans

and people from shithole countries

Red MAGA hats 

are slightly more subtle

than white pointy ones

Corruption is not just overlooked

but defended at all costs

Kim Jung-un is trusted,

Robert Mueller is not,

and the president would fail

in the first round of the spelling bee

Facts became alternative,

the EPA wants to 

destroy the environment,

and the national crisis 

is what’s fake

The president can’t stop 

praising himself

with his third-grade vocabulary

and sexual assault 

does not prevent you 

from taking a Supreme Court seat

“It was a bright cold day in April, 

and the clocks were striking thirteen,”

and I wish the horrifying novel 

would end 

so reality could start


Written March 2, 2019


Not the Way We Come Out


Ten Things I Remember About January 28, 1986