Kisha Nicole Foster

  • Kisha in the Living Room

    Kisha’s feature at Angry Cow Poetry in the Rialto Living Room

  • Thersdays

    Written and performed by Kisha Nicole Foster. Edited by Keith Allison.

  • Completion

    as a feature for One Mic Open’s tenth anniversary

  • 216

    Kisha’s first round piece at Slamm Finale. A Temple of Passion and Angry Cow Poetry Event. Filmed by Melvin Crockett (@_canonshooter).

  • Ghazal for Dead Bodies

    From Kisha’s Larchmere Porch Fest set.

  • Proper Moon Slang

    Kisha’s second round piece at Slamm Finale. A Temple of Passion and Angry Cow Poetry Event. Filmed by Melvin Crockett (@_canonshooter).

  • Wellness Check Two

    Kisha’s piece on the killing of Kenneth Chamberlain, Sr. From Kisha’s Larchmere Porch Fest set.

  • karma

    as a feature for One Mic Open’s tenth annversary

  • Completion

    From Kisha’s Larchmere Porch Fest set.

  • night five: transparent musings

    as a feature for One Mic Open’s tenth anniversary

  • Thersdays (Live)

    From Kisha’s Larchmere Porch Fest set.

  • a savior

    as a feature for One Mic Open’s tenth anniversary

  • Completion

    Kisha’s final round piece at Slamm Finale. A Temple of Passion and Angry Cow Poetry Event. Filmed by Melvin Crockett (@_canonshooter).

  • Larchmere Porch Fest

    Kisha’s set for Literary Cleveland at Larchmere Porch Fest. Filmed and edited by Keith Allison.

  • Larchmere Porch Fest (full)

    Literary Cleveland’s poet showcase at Larchmere Porch Fest featuring Kisha Nicole Foster, Raja Belle Freeman, Danielle Nicole Nikki Dixon, and Vince Robinson. Filmed and edited by Keith Allison.

  • Slamm Finale

    Watch Kisha and eight other poets compete in head-to-head matches for a grand prize of $225. A Temple of Passion and Angry Cow Poetry Event. Filmed by Melvin Crockett

  • Kisha's Instagram

    Follow Kisha on Instagram
