Blax Museum


BLAX MUSEUM is an annual performance showcase created by Michelle R. Smith that is open to all forms and dedicated to honoring notable Black figures in American history and culture through original art and electrifying presentations.

This showcase took place February 22, 2025, at East Cleveland Public Library

  • Fannie Lou Hamer

    Michelle R. Smith (BLAX Museum creator, producer & host) honors voting rights & women’s rights activist, Fannie Lou Hamer

  • Maya Angelou

    Caira Lee (poet, writer & filmmaker) honors poet, author & civil rights activist, Maya Angelou

  • Langston Hughes

    Middle Child (poet & spoken word artist) honors poet, social activist, novelist, playwright & columnist, Langston Hughes

  • Nikki Giovanni

    Dr. Brenda R. Smith, Ph.D. (English Professor Emerita) honors poet, writer, commentator & activist, Nikki Giovanni

  • Sarah "Sally" Hemings

    Danielle Nicole Nikki Dixon (poet, writer & painter) honors coerced quadroon concubine of Thomas Jefferson, Sarah “Sally” Hemings

    Sadly, due to an error with my camera or thumb, only part of this performance was recorded.

  • Paschal Beverly Randolph

    Messiah in Glytch (producer, musician & writer) honors doctor, occultist, spiritualist, trance medium & writer, Paschal Beverly Randolph

  • Angela Davis

    Essence (poet & E.V.E. - Eccentric Visions of Evolution - founder) honors political & feminist activist, philosopher, academic & author, Angela Y. Davis

  • Sly Stone

    James Quarles (painter, poet & musician) introduces a video documenting his painting of musician, singer, and record producer, Sly Stone

  • Marva Collins

    Rosary Joyce Kennedy (poet & educator) honors legendary educator & founder of Westside Preparatory School, Marva Collins